Migrating Plugins to New Organization

By Pelican Contributors

In news.

So you want to help migrate a plugin? Great!

If the plugin you want to migrate is located in the legacy monolithic Pelican Plugins repository:

Create an issue at the legacy monolithic Pelican Plugins repository and ask a maintainer to create a corresponding new repository under the new Pelican Plugins organization and invite you to join it.

If, on the other hand, you are migrating a plugin from a personal repository:

Create an issue at the legacy monolithic Pelican Plugins repository, include a link to the personal repository, and ask a maintainer for assistance with the next steps.

Initial Setup (By Maintainer)

Create new repository via: https://github.com/organizations/pelican-plugins/repositories/new

  • repository name should not contain the word “pelican”
  • add description (example: “Pelican plugin that adds a table of contents to articles”)
  • set to Public
  • do not check the box marked: “Initialize this repository with a README”
  • do not add a README, .gitignore, or license file

Once the repository has been created:

  • Settings > Environments > New environment > Name: Deployment
  • Settings > Pull Requests > check: Always suggest updating pull request branches
  • Settings > Pull Requests > check: Automatically delete head branches
  • Invite collaborators: Settings > Collaborators and teams > Manage access > Add people (button)

In order to ensure package publication automation functions correctly, be sure to log into PyPI and add a trusted publisher: https://pypi.org/manage/account/publishing/

The following is performed on the maintainer’s workstation. Replace related-posts below with the name of the to-be-migrated plugin.

Clone the legacy monolithic repository:

cd ~/projects/pelican-plugins/
git clone https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins related-posts-legacy
cd related-posts-legacy

Filter existing commits related to the plugin via git-filter-repo (which on macOS can be installed via brew install git-filter-repo, or if you have Pipx installed, via pipx install git-filter-repo):

git filter-repo --path related_posts/ --path-rename related_posts/:
git log --reverse  # copy full day+date+timestamp of first commit

Create a new (empty) repository with an initial empty commit, using the above date:

mkdir ../related-posts && cd ../related-posts
git init --initial-branch=main
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Wed Apr 10 19:12:31 2013 -0400" GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="Original Author Name" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="original_author@email.tld" git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit" --date="$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE" --author="$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL>"

Add the new repository as the origin remote and push the initial commit:

git remote add origin git@github.com:pelican-plugins/related-posts.git
git push origin main

Add legacy plugin clone as a remote and pull contents into new branch:

git remote add legacy ../related-posts-legacy
git fetch legacy master
git checkout -b migrate --track legacy/master

Rebase legacy plugin commits on top of new initial commit and push:

git rebase --committer-date-is-author-date main
git push origin migrate

Updating the Plugin

Once a maintainer has created the new (empty) repository and pushed existing commits into a new migrate branch, clone the new repository to your workstation and switch to that branch:

git clone git@github.com:pelican-plugins/related-posts.git ~/projects/pelican-plugins/related-posts
cd ~/projects/pelican-plugins/related-posts
git switch migrate

Create the new directory structure and move the plugin code contents to it:

mkdir -p pelican/plugins/related_posts
git mv *.py pelican/plugins/related_posts/
git commit --no-verify -m "Convert to namespace plugin filesystem layout"

Review the Pelican Plugin CookieCutter Template docs and use the template to generate a fresh project. Here we’ll use the Pipx-based method to ephemerally invoke Cruft to generate a new plugin from the template:

cd ~
pipx run cruft create https://github.com/getpelican/cookiecutter-pelican-plugin

Guidance follows for answering the Cookiecutter questions you will be asked. Except for plugin_name, description, authors, keywords, license, and dev_status, you should be able to just hit the Return key to accept the provided default value.

  • plugin_name: For multiple-word names, put a space in between words and use title case. Should not contain the word “pelican”. Ex: Related Posts
  • repo_name: For multiple-word names, use a hyphen — not an underscore. Ex: related-posts
  • package_name: Hyphens should be converted to underscores here. Ex: related_posts
  • distribution_name: Prefixed with pelican-. Ex: pelican-related-posts
  • version: Leave as 0.0.0 default value, which will be incremented automatically via AutoPub upon initial distribution release.
  • description: Copy & paste description from repository’s About section
  • authors: Review source code and commit history to determine primary author, if any. Ask a maintainer if not clear. Ex: {name = "Jane Smith", email = "jane@example.com"}
  • keywords: Add relevant keywords, including "pelican" and "plugin". Ex: "pelican", "plugin", "table", "contents"
  • readme: Name of the README file. Ex: README.md
  • contributing: Name of the README file. Ex: CONTRIBUTING.md
  • license: Choose the same license as the original plugin.
  • repo_url: URL to the repository. Ex: https://github.com/pelican-plugins/related-posts
  • dev_status: Development status. Best to choose 5 - Production/Stable unless there’s a good reason not to. Ex: 5
  • tests_exist: Whether tests currently exist for this plugin.
  • python_version: Minimum Python version. Best to choose 3.9+. Ex: ~=3.9
  • pelican_version: Minimum Pelican version. Best to choose 4.5+. Ex: >=4.5

Copy over the new files generated by the plugin template, none of which presumably exist in the existing repository:

cd ~/projects/pelican-plugins/
mv ~/related-posts ~/projects/pelican-plugins/related-posts-new
cp -R related-posts-new/{.editorconfig,.gitignore,.github,.pre-commit-config.yaml,CONTRIBUTING.md,pyproject.toml,tasks.py} related-posts/

Create a virtual environment and set up the project:

cd ~/projects/pelican-plugins/related-posts
python -m venv ~/virtualenvs/related-posts
source ~/virtualenvs/related-posts/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip invoke
invoke setup

Add any plugin dependencies to the pyproject.toml file via pdm add […] and adjust them in pyproject.toml to ensure they are in alphabetical order. Then install those added dependencies via:

pdm update

Compare the old and new README files, merging them such that the relevant parts of the template-generated README are present — particularly the build/PyPI status badges and the Installation and Contributing sections.

Are there any tests? If not, now might be a good time to copy over the generated test file and then add some:

cp related-posts-new/pelican/plugins/related_posts/test_related_posts.py related-posts/pelican/plugins/related_posts/test_related_posts.py

Confirm that the plugin is detected and registered:


Run the test suite and ensure there are no failures or errors:

invoke tests

Test that the plugin actually works by building it and installing the packaged distribution:

pdm build
pip install dist/pelican-related-posts-0.0.0.tar.gz

Fix functional issues, if any, and then commit Python code fixes with appropriate commit message(s):

git add [...]
git commit --no-verify

Ensure code has been modernized for Python 3.9+, review the changed files, modify as necessary, and commit:

pipx run pyupgrade --py39-plus pelican/plugins/related_posts/*.py
git add [...]
git commit --no-verify -m "Modernize code for Python 3.9+"

Make sure the GitHub Actions CI/CD workflow refers to the repository’s actual primary branch name (e.g., main):

grep github\.ref .github/workflows/main.yml

Add and commit the new files related to code style:

git add .editorconfig .pre-commit-config.yaml tasks.py .github
git commit --no-verify -m "Add code style and CI/CD configuration"

Apply code style formatting, ensure linting passes, and commit any code style changes:

inv ruff --fix
inv format
inv lint
git add [...]
git commit -m "Apply code style conventions to project"

Add and commit pyproject.toml and .gitignore:

git add pyproject.toml .gitignore
git commit -m "Add pyproject file to project"

Add and commit README changes and the CONTRIBUTING file:

git commit -m "Update README and add CONTRIBUTING"

Link to current version of the plugin template via Cruft:

git add .cruft.json
git commit -m "Link to upstream plugin template via Cruft"

Assuming all new and changed files have been committed, push the branch and submit a pull request:

git push origin migrate

Clean Up

Remove section from .git/config that is no longer needed:

git remote remove legacy

Remove legacy clone and generated template files:

cd ~/projects/pelican-plugins/
trash related-posts-legacy related-posts-new

Add a note at the top of the legacy plugin README in the deprecated monolithic repository indicating that the plugin has migrated. 🎉

another pelican